Steve Albini

Steve Albini placing a mic in front of an amp cabinet in the studio

Steve Albini passed away five days ago and I still see musicians on my feeds posting about him. No one can process it. These aren’t even aftershocks. The earthquake hasn’t finished yet. I never thought about the possibility of him dying because how could a person with that much energy and conviction ever leave us?

These are the albums I know well that he was involved in, and they’re only a sliver of the giant sequoia of music he recorded. There’s so much more out there to explore.

  • The Breeders: Pod
  • Dirty Three: Ocean Songs
  • Nirvana: In Utero
  • Palace Music: Arise Therefore
  • Palace Music: Viva Last Blues
  • Slint: Tweez
  • Superchunk: No Pocky for Kitty
  • The Wedding Present: Seamonsters

Every one of his how-to videos on the Electrical Audio YouTube channel should go in the Library of Congress right now.

Read his brother Marty’s remembrance on Facebook.

May 12, 2024