Twen at The Camel

Saw Twen play at The Camel last night. Doors opened at 9pm, show started at 9:30, and we left the house around 10:30, which felt surreal and unnatural. That’s when we’d normally be thinking about getting ready for bed on a weeknight, or deciding whether to stream Ghost Adventures or It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia in the background while we puttered on a Friday night. But we made it and I was glad once we got there. They were fantastic. Played every song I wanted to hear, and with a presence like they were in a bigger venue. All the vocals were spot on (from both Jane and Ian), and Ian is like his generation’s John Squire from The Stone Roses. They were really chatty and gracious when we met them at the merch table. Only wish the crowd had been a little bigger and the sound had been run better.
Jane ran her own vocal effects unit, which I can tell by my other photos is a TC Helicon Voicelive Play. Ian used the same thing probably for his vocals and/or guitar.