Kevin Cummins: Telling Stories: Photographs of The Fall

It’s here from England! A book like a thick steak, filled with photos of The Fall and Mark E. Smith from 1977 to 2014. How did Kevin Cummins manage to be the one with the camera in the middle of the storm all those years?

The band The Fall standing on a cobblestone street is the front cover black-and-white photo for the Kevin Cummins book Telling Stories, Photographs of The Fall

October 19, 2022 music photography

Friday, Oct. 7, 2022

I bet that no matter what tool for thought or wiki you use, it’s not going to work out as well or be as useful for you unless you do regular reviews of what’s in it. You can’t rely on the app to surface important, useful information all the time.

Jack is rebooting his wiki. Uh-oh. Guess I’ll dust off mine and see if it will have me back.

October 7, 2022

Monday, Oct. 3, 2022

Normal people don’t waste this much time thinking about the structure of their notetaking systems. I’m so obstinate I bet I would have had a problem with Doug Engelbart’s Mother of All Demos wiki because it wasn’t all stored in easily accessible text files.

October 3, 2022

Sunday, Oct. 2, 2022

I told Sarah about Obsidian and how the 0.16 upgrade (via Jack) might lure me back. She said switching notetaking systems was like buying a new planner every month”, and then shared: Corita Kent’s Rules — R / D

RULE ONE: Find a place you trust, and then try trusting it for awhile.

Maybe I need to go back to the big orange bullet journal to plan my weeks.

Still trying Tot as a daybook and super-short time log, inspired by Maggie Appleton’s Tana tour video. One note per day, whole week spread across the seven dots”. And then copying and pasting those into Markdown files, one per day, in Dropbox. The nice thing about Tot is it syncs between the phone, iPad, and MacBook, and when I switch to it, I know it’ll be on the last page I left it on on that device. The ability to search Dropbox for those entries later is nice, but the real benefit of entering the times as I do stuff seems to be from being more aware of the passage of time, the current task, and trying to finish the current thing before getting pulled into something else.

Cheryl Rofer on Twitter:

This is the only article you need to read on whether Russia might use nuclear weapons in Ukraine and how the US might respond. Interviews with people who know this sort of thing - Sam Nunn, @Gottemoeller, Scott Sagan, and William Perry.

What If Russia Uses Nuclear Weapons in Ukraine? - The Atlantic

October 2, 2022 Obsidian notetaking Tot daybook Tana nuclear weapons Ukraine Russia

Saturday, Oct. 1, 2022

Limited’ Tactical Nuclear Weapons Would Be Catastrophic - Scientific American

In testimony before the House Armed Services Committee on February 6, 2018, then–Secretary of Defense James Mattis stated I do not think there is any such thing as a tactical nuclear weapon. Any nuclear weapon used any time is a strategic game changer.”

October 1, 2022 nuclear weapons

Friday, Sep. 30, 2022

Writing in notetaking platforms that continually make your text dance around under the cursor depending on where you click is no way to live.

Another Roam-like app: Tana — The Everything OS. Whoa. Robert Haisfield and Stian Haklev are involved. And Maggie Appleton has a tour. Hmm.

I will not migrate to another Roam-clone.
I will not migrate to another Roam-clone.
I will not migrate to another Roam-clone.
I will not migrate to another Roam-clone.
I will not migrate to another Roam-clone.

September 30, 2022 Tana