Seeing the big picture in Tinderbox

I attended the weekly Tinderbox meetup again just now and added this comment in the chat:

The thing I love most about Tinderbox is that the rich text part of a note can be arbitrarily long. With the nested/outline view that we’re looking at, you can see everything in context, but it’s trivial to dive into a long note, view the text of a list of notes together, pick and choose notes to combine, etc. This is historically done in the filesystem with files and folders, but these nodes can have much nicer titles, metadata, actions, etc. It fits the way my brain works.

Being an outliner and more, org-mode can do similar things when you expand/collapse headings at certain levels, but there’s something about Tinderbox and its malleability and suitability for incremental formalization that gets the wheels turning for me.

March 9, 2024 Tinderbox

What other people can do with my gear

Sometimes I fire up the Flickr Camera Finder and look for old cameras I still have, like the Panasonic GX1. Often I see images people make with that camera that far eclipse anything I’ve done with it or more expensive gear in the meantime. 16MP is still my favorite sensor resolution.

Here’s one by Calvin Lee:

Boats on Phewa Lake [Explored]

And two by Takeshi Tanaka:

金峰山から (From the summit of Mt.Kinpusan)

Meguro River 2013

March 3, 2024 photography gear

Not Sure I’ve Helped Things with the Markdown Kanban

That recent post about the digital Kanban — I’m already not sure about it. The Kanban list of targeted outcomes for the week is getting polluted with a bunch of next actions. I keep looking at all the places I write things down in order to know what to do next: The digital calendar, today’s page in my spiral notebook, this new Kanban section, and the project headings and tasks further down in the file. There’s duplication of some things between all of those buckets and it’s wasting time and causing too much waffling about where to put stuff. Why does everything need to go on a paper list first? Can’t I just rely on that weekly Markdown file if I keep it lean enough? Am I supposed to be moving tasks out from under the project headings and into the Todo/Doing/Done parts of the Kanban? Is it better to copy tasks to multiple parts of that document? Which stuff am I really, really working on at any particular time? Where do I put things that I know I’m not going to start until tomorrow or 3 days from now? Do I resist the urge to tack on some todo-parsing plugin to the text editor? How do I work on five things in the Doing column at one time when I’m only one person? What have I done here?

February 28, 2024 kanban work

The Dumbest Possible Kanban That Could Work

I have a fixation with personal Kanban systems, where I think that if I find the right one, I’ll be able to limit work-in-process, get things through the bottlenecked pipeline (me) faster, and have a pile of Done stuff to show for all of it at the end of the week. We’re not allowed to just download whatever we want at work, and the list of Kanban-enabled tools we’re clear to use is limited. Seems like all of them have some fatal flaw anyway, and I had to admit to myself it was a bad idea to introduce another standalone tool on top of the blank daily page in my notebook, the weekly Markdown file of projects and their tasks, and the enterprise calendar with its task reminder system. I ended up making a super-dumb, high-level vertical Kanban at the top of the weekly Markdown project/task tracker. I’m in that file all day anyway, so it’s one less place to go. It looks like:

# Week of 2024-02-26

- something bigger than a task but smaller than a project
- that thing I promised my manager I'd do this week
- that thing I promised to train a coworker on
- training I need to schedule

- testing some new function in QA

## DONE 
- one unit of meaningful work I finished yesterday
- drafted document for new process

Sadly, there is some duplication between some items in the sort-of Kanban and the projects listed below, and there’s no tagging or filtering on any of these tasks, but it’s the only way I can work. I have to have non-smart lists that are anchored to a spot on the page (or in the file).

## Project A
- [ ] write up test plan
- [ ] test code in QA
- [ ] tell developer I'm done

## Project B
- [x] write up process for that new web property we inherited
- [ ] train coworker on it

## Project C
- [x] figure out what training looks good for 2024
- [ ] schedule the training
- [ ] tell manager I'm done

My brain needs the tiny little bit of focus afforded by that DOING header in the Kanban at the top.

February 26, 2024 kanban work

VMFA, Dawoud Bey, shooting film, and Remember The Night”

It’s finally, temporarily, not freezing outside. And the new” kitchen floor looks nice in the daylight. The underlayment does a great job at keeping the cold from the basement away from our bare feet up here.

Getting ready to go to the VMFA, I loaded Tri-X in the Leica M2 for the first time in months! We saw Dawoud Bey’s Elegy” exhibit. The part that grabbed me was the last room, Night Coming Tenderly, Black”, where every print was bathed in darkness to evoke the experience of following the Underground Railroad. These prints were dark in the same way that your eyes start hallucinating shapes in the moonlight. And with a weight like my favorite Rothko piece hanging in the VMFA, you can’t understand it looking at it on a computer screen or printed in a book. You have to be in the same room and it has to be big. On our way out, we sat with a nice staff member who was doing a survey about visitors’ thoughts on the exhibit. I told her that before watching Bey’s film Evergreen”, I’d never seen the plantation cabins where enslaved people lived.

After that, muffins in the Best Café, and then the sculpture garden where Sarah drew and I took photos with the M2. It felt good to work that muscle again after having had so much inertia working against it before. It was just right there waiting all along.

Watched Remember the Night” with Fred MacMurray and Barbara Stanwyck on Criterion while we ate dinner. We managed to sit still long enough for an entire movie! I wish that whoever digitized it hadn’t de-noised it and cleaned it up so much.

It’s funny how I usually think blogging takes so much energy. For me it actually gives energy when I remember to do it.

February 25, 2024 photography VMFA movies

Tinderbox meetup, Feb. 24, 2024

What a good day. At noon, I and about 27 other nerds joined a weekly Zoom meetup about Tinderbox. This one featured Dave Rogers and Jack Baty demonstrating how to blog with Tinderbox. I realize that makes it sound like there’s one way to do it. There are endless ways to blog with Tinderbox”. It just depends on what you want to accomplish, how deep you want to get, and what your tolerance is for figuring it out as you go.

After reading Jack’s and Dave’s blogs for years, this was the closest I’d come to meeting” them and it was a treat! Those guys are open books and I think they blog because they can’t not blog. Their enthusiasm is infectious and it got me all excited about the idea of using Tinderbox for something, and about the idea of blogging in general. I even had a brief thought as I looked at Jack’s neatly-named nodes for each post (formatted automatically with dates, but not technically named as they’re shown) that I could use Tinderbox as a CMS for Blot. The question is, should I? Truly, with Blot, I don’t need anything more than Dropbox and whatever text editor I’m in the mood for that day.

Things that made me perk up in addition to the blogging demos:

  • Mark Anderson showed off some Tinderbox keyboard shortcuts I’d never seen. I could probably do 95% of what I think I need to do in Tinderbox outlines. These shortcuts would make that easier.
  • Dave organizes his NetNewsWire RSS feeds into folders of: bloggers, news, locals, social media, Tools for Thought, YouTube, photography, etc. I’ve always just lumped together all the feeds I follow. Maybe I could try this approach and it wouldn’t feel like such an undifferentiated blob of stuff every day.
  • Maybe try Forklift for FTP? Or I could just stick with Transmit, which I already have.
  • Mark Anderson says not to forget the Export tab above each note if you want to see the generated HTML.
  • looks fun for static hosting.

I may have to start joining these meetups more often. It gives me a charge to see people having this much fun learning stuff as they solve their own problems. And I probably need a regular dose of encouragement to use software that’s only available on a laptop. Limiting your apps to only things you can also use on an iPhone or iPad is likely to keep your work shallow.

It was raining after the meetup, so I started and finished re-installing underlayment and the kitchen floor slats we had to pull up in January (when Lowe’s was supposed to install a new dishwasher and didn’t, giving the water supply line we had unhooked ample time to leak all over half the floor). I appreciate the floor all over again now.

February 24, 2024 Tinderbox